
From Blender for Architecture
Revision as of 18:18, 29 September 2012 by Macbulwa (Talk | contribs) (Metal (chrome, bronze, copper, iron, steel, rust, platiné..))

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Materials are classified by category. You can find materials for other rendering engines linked to blender too ([Yaf] for Yafray, [Pov] dor POVray...)

Metal (chrome, bronze, copper, iron, steel, rust, platiné..)

Mineral (marble, granit..)

Plastic, leather

Glass, transparent plastic...

Wood (parquet, flooring, furniture, painted..)

Wall (tapisserie, papier peint...)

Ground (carpet, tile, soil, lino...)

Nature (tree, grass, leaves...)


External links

There not many materials for architecture available on the net.